To help you get started with your fundraising, we have a variety of free supplies available:

  • SandCastles wristbands
  • Coin collection canister stickers
  • Sample Social Media Posts
  • A-Z Fundraising Idea Guide



Once you’ve registered, check out your personalized Participant Center NOW, so you can be on your way to meeting your fundraising goal and succeed in forwarding the mission of SandCastles!  Personalizing your page is the easiest and best way to connect with your friends and family.

Here’s a sneak peak of what you can do in your SandCastles Participant Center:

  • Personalize your fundraising page with a photo and a personal story of why you are helping with our cause! 
  • Tell that true story from the heart. What matters here is the story about why you made the choice you did. Everyone who participates as a fundraiser for SandCastles does so because they felt called to participate. Being able to share this in story form is one of the factors that can ignite your campaign. Don't just share your story on your page - copy that story in your emails and on your social channels as you invite your network to donate!
  • Find pre-written emails you can send to friends & family to request donations. And yes, you can send these emails directly from your participant center

 Fundraising Ideas:

To put the "fun" in *FUN*draising, download this A-Z Fundraising Guide


Other Helpful Hints:


In today’s connected world, it’s easier than ever to reach your goals. Include a link to your fundraising page from your Facebook page. Simply copy and paste the link into your Facebook post.  Be sure let everyone know why you are participating in SandCastles and ask them to join your team or make a donation!


  1. Tie your fundraising efforts to an event in your life. Are you asking for donations in honor of a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion? Are you fundraising in honor or memory of a loved one? Are you participating in a marathon or other endurance event as a way to challenge yourself?
  2. Only about 10-20% of your Facebook followers ever see your posts. Be sure to post often and tag friends and family that you'd like to invite to support your efforts. 
  3. Once you receive a donation, POST AND TAG a public and personal thank you on your page recognizing your donor. This always sparks others to give! 

Check out our Campaign Tip Sheet for more ideas. 


Write letters, send emails and think of something you enjoy doing, like baking cookies or knitting. Turn your talents into fundraising opportunities.


It’s never too soon to ask for a donation! Plus, by putting in a little effort now, you can easily meet your goal and qualify for our special incentives and attendance to the culmination event in September.